Dear Parents, Pre-school Teachers, Infant/Toddler Teachers, Family Child Care Providers, Grandparents, Nannies, Early Head Start Teachers, Infant Mental Health Specialists, and Birth-3 Educators,
You're the best!

Imagine this:
We live in a society where parenting and early childhood experiences both inside and outside of the home are honored and supported. Parents no longer have to worry so much about being able to afford the high quality care their children deserve because 30% of their child care bill is covered by the government when they choose high qualify care.

Professionally trained child care teachers no longer have to worry about paying their basic bills because they've been given a permanent 30% increase in their pay funded by the government.
Teachers who lack funding for training are provided with grants and given time off to complete it.
In this society, violent crime, expensive mental health care and juvenile offenses have plummeted so much that after a few years the benefits financially outweigh the initial cost by billions.
This is one possible outcome of the child care crisis. You can probably imagine the other, too. If funding doesn't increase child care ratios and teacher education levels will drop causing the best and smartest teachers to continue to leave the field in droves and perpetuating its downward spiral.
What can we do? This problem is deeply embedded in our society. Here are a few ideas.
Refuse to accept a drop in quality.
Take steps, even if they're baby steps to build a better child care system.
Unite parents, teachers and administrators in order to strengthen our cause.

One more thing. Make sure you have time to read to children in your care individually. If you don't, think about changing something. It's that important.
Since I really wanted to give you all something you can use right away, I'm providing this list of books with strong female protagonists. I've personally read all of these books and they work well for our youngest. The covers aren't linked to any websites because I know you're resourceful and able to find books in many places including the public library!

Thanks so much for reading this! If you want ideas on building empathy and/or setting boundaries with the very young, Join us here, I have new tips weekly. Plus when you join us you'll get my new eBook immediately.
Nanci J Bradley is an early childhood and family educator, author, teacher, family aerobics instructor, and an all-around fun-loving person. She believes in the power of sleep, healthy eating, lifelong learning, and most of all, PLAY!  She studied early childhood education at Triton College and received her BS in education in 1986 from NIU. She received her MA in human development from Pacific Oaks College in 2010. She has presented at state and national early childhood conferences.